Bhagya Lakshmi written Latest update | 07/08/2024

Bhagya Lakshmi written Latest update

Bhagya Lakshmi written Latest update | 07/08/2024

Rishi is going to be in danger again, Pandit ji told Lakshmi that their marriage will be auspicious.

Yes, friends, the upcoming episode of Bhagya Lakshmi is going to be explosive and Neelam is going to get a big shock.

Yes friends, now you are watching the story that Rishi and Lakshmi are fighting with each other, Lakshmi has clearly said that she will not let her daughter Paro go away from her, while Neelam is also not ready to give up.

She wants to get custody of Paro by any means, for she is crossing all limits, but now Lakshmi, that is, a mother when she crosses the limit, then she is not going to stop for anyone.

Yes friends, a very tremendous twist is going to come in the story because now Pandit Ji is going to enter, yes you know the fake Pandit who brings Manishka and it is he who had called Lakshmi Shagun.

But now the real Pandit Ji is going to enter, who really speaks the truth and who had earlier also told Neelam everything about Laxmi, who had told her how auspicious Lakshmi is for this family and Rishi. Yes, now Pandit Ji is going to enter Oberoi House, and is going to tell Neelam that her son Rishi is going to face a big crisis again, Rishi's life is going to be in danger.

And this time Lakshmi is the one who can save Rishi from the coming dangerous crisis. Yes, by showing the horoscope here, Pandit Ji is going to say that Rishi and Laxmi are going to meet again and nobody can stop their union, their marriage is sure to happen, and their family will be complete.

And in such a situation, Rishi's life is also going to be in danger and if this marriage does not happen, then Rishi's life can also be lost. Hearing this, Neelam will be shocked.

And Neelam will not understand what to do because she only wants to keep Paro in Aubrey House and not Lakshmi. But when Pandit ji will make such a big disclosure, then Neelam will not be able to understand anything. Yes, she will tell Malishka everything as a lie.

All this Pandit ji is lying, he is saying it on Lakshmi's behest, and now what should Neelam do, when the matter of Rishi i.e. her son has come up, in such a situation, Neelam will have to do something? Well, Rishi and Lakshmi will get married, and Neelam will also have to accept the marriage and accept Lakshmi as her daughter-in-law.

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